特攻白菊 赤とんぼ 複葉機 水上偵察機
Special Attack with Training Plane, Double-wing Plane, Seaplane

The month when the most suicide attacks were in April 1945, with 1,474 pilots and crews (696 aircraft) and the next largest number of suicide attacks is in  May 952 pilots and crews (246 aircraft)

It is time of the Battle of Okinawa.

The most commonly used suicide attacks were 647 aircraft (647 people) in Zero Fighter, of which 255 were used in April 1945 and 65 in May.

At the end of the war, the Navy had more than 7,000 aircraft (army aircraft) left together. The preparation of the last mainland battle was made as such as a Japanese army. Before that, everything that could be used would have been used for the battel of Okinawa.

It is said that about 30,000 military aircraft of the Navy produced through the entire period of the Pacific War. Of these, zero fighters were the most common, with about one-third of the 10.425 aircraft produced.

All the aircraft produced for Navi as well as Army was about 58,000 and the US production was 260,000 between 1941 and 1944.

In order to cover up the shortage of aircraft, special attack was made with not only the fighter planes and bombers but also with training plane, old double wing plane and with slow seaplane.

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